martes, 14 de enero de 2014

¡Portada revelada! City of Heavenly Fire

Por dios. Lloren con nosotras.

Al fin la portada ha sido revelada. A mi me gusto :)

Pero, pongan mucha atención nefilim, por que Clary va totalmente de Blanco. Color de luto. No voy a superar esto en mucho tiempo. 

"—Para los Cazadores de Sombras, el blanco es el color de los funerales —explicó Luke—."

733 páginas de puro sufrimiento

Solo queremos recordarles amablemente que 6 personajes morirán en este libro, ¿sí? 

Además del hecho de todos los stills malvados que nos ha compartido la amable Cassie:

"Did Brother Zachariah just steal our cat?"

A parabatai. Like he was. And Jace knew, too, what that faded rune meant: a parabataiwhose other half was dead. He felt his sympathy leap toward Brother Zachariah, as he imagined himself without Alec, with only that faded rune to remind him where once he had been bonded to someone who knew all the best and worst parts of his soul. 

"Alec looked down at the shattered pieces in disbelief. “You BROKE my PHONE.”
Jace shrugged. “Guys don’t let other guys keep calling other guys. Okay, that came out wrong. Friends don’t let friends keep calling their exes and hanging up. Seriously. You have to stop.”
Alec looked furious. “So you broke my brand new phone? Thanks a lot.”
Jace smiled serenely and lay back on the grass. “You’re welcome.”

“I think,” Jace said, “that you don’t want to tell your secrets, so you decided to break up with Alec because..” 

“Okayyyyy,” Isabelle said in a low voice, “When did Brother Zachariah get hot?”

They landed at Simon’s feet. “Take your clothes and go!” Isabelle shouted.
Clary,” Jocelyn said. “I want you to meet Tessa Gray.”

(No pongo todos, solo algunos)

Y entonces estan los Spoilery art 





"Isabelle tugged her tank top back down and glared at her brother. “You don’t knock now?”

“It’s my bedroom!” Alec spluttered."


Creo que cuando termine esto me arrojaré heroicamente de un punte y luego seguiré llorando y torturándome como si no estuviera muerta. (Palo)

LLoren con nosotras, nefilims del mundo. Y esperemos hasta tenerlo en nuestras manos para saber lo que es el sufrimiento de verdad.

Andre & Palo.

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